Friday, May 20, 2005


A person under the influence of unwholesome thoughts,moods,lifestyle can lose their discriminatory and intuitve powers. One's environment and background often determine
thoughts about self and the world around.Reasoning done according to wrong thinking can lead to wrong conclusions.Then comes rationalization to justify the conviction.Hence all the abortion slogans which abound to justify the killing of preborn, innocent children. A distracted,materialistic or immature individual may lack the intuitiveness to meditate much on the creative,mysterious or the miraculous aspect of life in general,leading to easy acceptance of abortion.This individual may never consider abortion an option in their own personal life, but has no qualms about allowing the trauma of abortion to occur in other lives.Abortion affects two lives;the infant is subjected to an horrendous, torturous and barbaric death;the mother may sustain psychological,spiritual or physical problems,And yes,even in our legal system of abortion,death of the mother occurs, or the inability to conceive other children,due to scarring of the uterus,which is as enduring as the scarring of the mind and the soul.We must change the minds and hearts of society,which if anchored in the goodness of the spirit will recognise the sanctity of life for ALL.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

abortion-a torturous death

In abortion we have a victim.We have a perpetrator of a crime,but no justice.It is determined by science and biology that the victim of abortiion is indeed a person,an individual;yet there is no justice. Actually there are two victims of this crime- namely the mother and child.What do we have to fear from the birth of this child. The perpetrators of these crimes are our society,organizations such as Planned Parenthood,feminists,and our local communities, as is our govenment. Will we stop abortion? Not in our generation,barring a miracle.A generation has passed and each minute 4000 children are destined to meet a torturous death. We seem powerless to stop this evil so we must find new and suitable tactics. A fetus is one stage of development into babyhood,and that stage into toddler all the way to youth,middle age
then old age to death. All of us move into a new stage of life.Do we interrupt any of these stages by forcing death on those whose quality of life does not measure to what we expect of them. No we dont. Not yet. But if we allow these perpertrators of death to be permitted to kill our innocent children, we deserve no better protection
from that same tyranny. They kill for flimsy reasons such as "quality of life"
"every child a wanted child" and "free or prochoice".These slogans are used to cover the shedding of innocent blood and to allow torturous deaths of little children to continue. Have you ever noticed how in"polite" company one cannot mention abortion,
or even show the consequences of it,the bloodied or decapitated fetus.People are so steeped in selfishnes and ignorance that they do not recoil in shock at such
evidence of cruelty allowed by our society, but condemn the one who they claim had such impertinence to attempt to show victim crime has been committed...........................

Sunday, February 20, 2005

The unborn child

The fate of the unborn child today, is no more deplored than the fate of an ant or a fly.

The law of nature is above the law of kill the unborn child is to break the natural law,hence breaking all laws.

If there is any evil at all it is in the complicated intricacy of the deformed human
soul, which will crush the weak and shed the most innocent of blood.